We use the EV/EBITDA formula to determine enterprise value. Our operating income for 2024 is estimated to reach $270k.
In 2024, the EV x EBITDA industry multiple stands at 18.49X.
Source: https://pages.stern.nyu.edu/~adamodar/New_Home_Page/datafile/vebitda.html
1% of the LLC is worth $50k.
Independent advisors from the Maine Technology Institute and the State of Maine have also confirmed our company’s enterprise value at approximately $5M+.
Companies in the defense industry are valued quite differently from the valuation of a restaurant or convenience store, 2-3x yearly sales. The valuation multiple is so high because companies acquired by global defense contractors are launched to success by huge investments and the introduction to pre-existing sales networks, post acquisition.
Our strategic goal is to achieve a $21.5M+ valuation by 2027.