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All acts of gun violence are tragic

However, few events shock the nation like school shootings. Educational institutions are understandably seeking ways to counter these attacks.

Less lethal launchers and projectiles are designed to cause pain, but not to kill or cause serious bodily injury. They fire a blunt force round using compressed air. Once fired, the round delivers kinetic energy to the target area. The desired effect is one where the suspect either becomes incapacitated or, gives up shortly thereafter because they don’t want to get hit again.

  • Powered by compressed air

  • 150 Foot Range

  • Unlikely to Cause Serious Injury
  • Safer to use around children
  • Rapidly deployable
  • Easy to use w/minimal training

  • Legally allowed in “Gun Free” zones.
  • Accepted by the community

School shooters are on a suicide mission.

But still, firearms are far too dangerous to use around children.

Grimburg KinetiCS irritant projectiles, combined with our customized launchers are designed to give schools effective protection, with a low risk of the unintended injuries associated with traditional firearms.

It’s like being hit with a hammer.

With a maximum effective range of 150 feet, it is designed to cause mild injury. It presents an acceptable risk to students in dire circumstances.

It is also possible to configure the launchers to fire at substantially lower power.


The first line of defense against a school shooting is a well armed, trained and vigilant staff.

These Grimburg custom packages deliver the same level of energy and accuracy as law enforcement and military less lethal launchers.

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